თბილისის საამიროს შადადიანთა დინასტიასთან ეკონომიკური, პოლიტიკური და კულტურული ურთიერთობის ზოგიერთი საკითხი ნუმიზმატიკური მასალების მიხედვით
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Our goal is to examine the historical relations between the Tbilisi Emirate and the Emirates of Shadadians according to numismatic materials. Numismatic
material is one of the most important sources in the study of the period of X-XI cc. In the article we will review three main Emirates of Shadadian dynasty: The Emirates of cities Ganja, Ani and Dvin.
The study of monetary circulation is a unique method of restoring data about historical and economic relations between countries. Each discovered coin or
treasure of coins can provide scholars invaluable historical material, which in the future will become the basis for a number of articles, books, or monographs. Some of the numismatic aspects mentioned in the article, indicate the close relations that existed between the countries in Region.
The article presents our reading of the inscriptions of the recently discovered coins. In some cases the inscriptions are completely decrypted, while in some cases, due to the defect of the inscriptions, only a partial reconstruction of them is given.